Choctaw Nation 
Mailing List

E-Mail distribution list for Choctaw Nation  
Oklahoma Genealogy


Only subscribers may post to the mail list. The list will not accept attachments. HTML messages or GedComs cannot be posted to the list.
Please read thoroughly, if you do not understand something, please e-mail me. (e-mail address at bottom of page.

There are two (2) different modes to which you can subscribe. Mail or Digest. Description as follows:
MAIL mode sends postings as soon as received.

DIGEST mode sends postings in one message every 72 hours, or when accumulated messages reach a set size limit.


Subscribe in MAIL mode by sending a message that contains the word subscribe in the body of the e-mail, and "NO" other words, (leave the subject line blank; turn off your signature file). Send e-mail to:

If you prefer DIGEST mode, send the command instead to:


To change from mail mode to digest mode, or vice versa, you must first unsubscribe from one, then subscribe to the other.


Regardless of which mode is preferred, all messages for the list must be posted to: not to the request address!


Unsubscribe send a message that contains the word unsubscribe and NOTHING ELSE, in the body of your e-mail (leave the subject line blank; turn off your signature file). Send e-mail to:

If your e-mail address changes, you must unsub from the original e-mail address. If you can no longer use that e-mail address, or need help, please e-mail the listowner, but do not ask me to unsubscribe you if you are capable of doing it yourself. (This has happened) Please follow the instructions immediately above